Practical Gospel Magic By Duane Laflin - Copyright 1988 65 Pages
Comments: A decent collection of Gospel presentations for commercial items such as the Crystal Silk Cylinder, Wonder Box, and so forth. Also contains some effects you can construct. Useful for ideas for items you currently own. The magic is mostly at the "easy" level.
2 Introduction: hints on using magic and the message of the Gospel together
5 The Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ illustrated with the 20th Century Silks: Uses change bag and silk wonder box.
7 Life Is a Puzzle: Five puzzle pieces are shown, and two are selected. They match, and make a portrait of Jesus; the others don't match at all. Uses force bag. (Jesus is the answer to the puzzle of Life)
9 Isaiah 1:18: Two red silks turn into two white silks as they pass through the hand. Uses dye tube. (Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow)
11 Silk Wonder Box Blendo: Four 9" silks are placed into a box. When it is opened, only one large silk is found. (God has a plan for our lives)
13 Crystal Silk Cylinder - Sin Versus Abundant Life. Three dark colored silks placed in clear plastic tube. A cover is placed over the tube and removed. Two large silks have replaced the others. (We shouldn't cover our sin, we should confess and seek forgiveness)
15 Gospel Application for Sponge Balls to Spectator's Hand: Standard sponge ball routine (details are not discussed, suggests using instructions that came with sponge balls). (Don't hide your faith, multiply it!)
17 Here is My Heart: Heart on string can be stopped from falling at will. (Rebellious vs. obedient heart)
19 Can the Leopard Change His Spots? Polka dot cloth pushed into tube, emerges from empty tube clean! Uses silk poke. (Jeremiah 13:23)
21 The Choice: Five cards shown representing choices we make. Spectator selects a number, corresponding to the Jesus card, the best choice. Uses a one hand change bag.
24 A Simple Gospel Message for the Self Vanishing Silk: A silk vanishes in the hand. (Jesus' resurrection)
26 My Routine for the Vanishing Coke Bottle: Commercial item. No Gospel patter.
28 Gospel Routine with the Soft Soap Effect. Three stained cloths placed into a soap box emerge clean. (Christ can cleanse your sins)
30 Justified: Burned and restored handkerchief (TT). Shows Justification.
32 Only Jesus Can fill the Empty Spot: Empty box is filled with flowers. Japanese Box.
34 What Kind of People Go to Heaven? Block vanishes from between two other blocks to be found in "Heaven" box. Uses commercial "ABC Blocks". (Believers go to heaven)
36 Who Can God Use the Most? Uses equal unequal ropes (Professor's Nightmare) (God uses those who are willing)
38 Who Can Be Saved? Another effect with Professor's Nightmare. (whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord)
40 Kidnapped: Uses Abbott's Cuban Release (by Jack Hughes). A block is released from two ropes and a wooden frame. (We have been spiritually kidnapped)
42 My Gospel Application for the Cut and Restored Rope: Rope is cut into three and restored. Combines method from Abbott's Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks and method explained in the text. (restoring fellowship to God)
45 A Neat Idea for Using a Cheap Botania: Uses cheap Botania, Black Art, and a Square Circle. Numerous items are removed from tube, tube is lifted, and a large bush appears. (Psalm 1)
47 How Many Ways to Heaven? Rope with two ends suddenly has four ends, then three, than two. One knot becomes three. Method explained in the text. (One way to heaven, through Christ)
48 Save Lose Save Lose: Silk placed int tube vanishes, only to appear in another tube (TT) (whosoever will save his life will lose it)
49 What Do We Find in the Religions of the World? Five blank cards shown. They then get pictures, representing death and one represents life. Suddenly a live dove appears on the cards (Eternal Life). Describes special cards and setup.
50 True Fulfillment: Empty tube produces large loads of silks, then flower bouquets. Use any number of commercial items: Phantom tube, temple screen, etc. (Let God fill the empty spot)
51 The Right Choice: Spectator selects hundred dollar bill instead of Christ, and ends up with nothing. Uses cards as prepared according to the text.
52 Silk Wonder Box: description and idea
53 Bible Paper Tear Using Popcorn Dye Box: Words "The Bible" are torn and put into box. When opened, the Bible is restored. Uses commercial Popcorn Dye Box.
54 The Widow's Mite - Using Popcorn Dye Box. A penny placed in the box turns into three jumbo coins.
55 Crystal Silk Cylinder: Romans 8:28. Multiple silks to one. (God's wonderful plan)
56 Cheap Production - But Effective: Homemade production tube. Suggests James 4:14 as example.
57 Square Circle Production Idea: Uses commercial square circle. (the difference Christ makes in our lives)
58 Rainbow Ropes to Talk About Marriage: Uses commercial rainbow ropes.
59 The Force Bag. Commercial item. Use to allow spectator to choose "Christ" card out of many.
60 My Version of a Dye Version: Black paper shown both sides, rolled up, and silks are placed inside. A 24ft streamer is then produced, and the silks have vanished. Shows how to make. (Illustrates salvation)
62 Daniel and the Lions: Boy released from ropes. Uses Grandmother's Necklace principle (explained).
63 Index