Gospel Bundle "A" - NEW!

Sale price $265.00 Regular price $298.00

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These are two of our favorite effects that we have used for years.  Life is A Puzzle is a fantastic way to make a smooth transition from "fun" to message.  It is an upbeat "game show" atmosphere with audience participation that concludes with the real meaning of life- Jesus!  

Jesus and the Thieves presents the message of Jesus being perfect, dying on the cross for our sins, and rising from the grave.  It also shows how we all have a choice to accept or reject Jesus.

This bundle is a $298 value that we are offering for $265, plus save even more when you select the free shipping option at checkout (for domestic orders)!

The video above shows a complete program which includes the two items in Gospel Bundle "A".  Click here to see Gospel Bundle "B" which contains all items David uses in the video.

Upon purchase, you will receive an order confirmation email, plus a separate email with links to download instructions and  video explanations featuring David Laflin.  Please look for the email with the subject:  "Your downloads are ready".