Comments: Includes sections on warming up an audience, crowd control, warm-up effects and then a whole series of excellent effects and ideas suitable for a kids or school show.
17 Introduction
21 A Special Word
23 An Important Initial Comment
25 A Note To The Gospel Worker
29 Some Ideas For Warming Up An Audience
A. Clap Hand Stunts
B. Raise Hand Gags
C. The Exact Distance Gag
D. Group Impressions
E. Ridiculous Jokes
35 My Ten Favorite Elephant Jokes
37 Some Ideas For Crowd Control
A. Have A Front Row Seating Line
B. Hydraulic Sit And Stand
C. Repetition Of Key Ideas
D. Yes Sir And No Sir
E. Group Impressions And Other Things
41 Pacing A Program
45 Program Number One In Attitudes For Learning
47 Program Number Two In Attitudes For Learning
49 Warmup Effects
A. Vanishing Cane To School Name
B. The Warmup Flower
C. Silk Poke Color Memory Routine
D. Burnt And Restored Handkerchief
E. Color Changing Shoelaces
F. Dove Production To School Name
G. Thumbtip Routine