A volunteer is shown nine cards. Each card has a word on it that relates to spiritual life. The volunteer selects one card. The volunteer is told, "We are going to play a game where you can trick the magician. When I ask you what card you selected you can answer any way you choose. You can tell the truth, or say something different. Since it is a game, you can try to fool me."
No matter what the volunteer says, the magician spells out a sentence using the word he is told...and always finds the selected card.
Lesson: There are many important concepts in the Christian life. One of the important concepts is truth. God's Word is truth. God always knows the truth. Therefore Christians should respect and honor the power of truth. In this routine, the truth is always revealed. As believers, let us commit ourselves to always showing the truth.
Trick and message routine by Duane Laflin. Comes with written instructions, 10 cards, each approximately 2-1/2" x 3-1/2" which fit in the included vinyl wallet.